Records 1 to 19 of 19

PRODUCTs covered in NAICS 313320
Garments, oiling (i.e., waterproofing)
Laminating purchased textiles
Leather, artificial, made from purchased fabric
Metallizing purchased textiles
Oilcloth manufacturing
Oiling of purchased textiles and apparel
Plastics coating of textiles and apparel
Raincoats waterproofing (i.e., oiling)
Rubberizing purchased capes
Rubberizing purchased cloaks
Rubberizing purchased clothing
Rubberizing purchased coats
Rubberizing purchased textiles and apparel
Tapes, varnished and coated (except magnetic), made from purchased fabric
Textile waterproofing
Varnishing purchased textiles and apparel
Vinyl coated fabrics manufacturing
Waterproofing apparel, fabrics and textile products (e.g., oiling, rubberizing, waxing, varnishing)
Waxing purchased textiles and apparel